A marching band, a red carpet and a DJ who programs her music are all available before coffee (and a business card) at the Upfront Summit, a top-anticipated encounters for investors. Yet, not in any case could even the marching band direct attention away from the actual celebrity of the event: Artificial Intelligence.
At the Upfront Summit, Mark Suster, Kerry Bennett and Kobie Fuller presented a show that highlighted Artificial Intelligence. The main concept entailed that while investing in AI is appealing, caution and thorough research should be taken before jumping into the sector.
This is nothing new; there is often excessive attention towards technological advancements. Notwithstanding, the current environment is far different from the one we were in during 2021 when lots of money was being invested in quick grocery delivery services and blockchain-based protocols. There is less money available right now for investments and transactions take longer to execute. Many investors are still nursing their losses acquired during the economic crisis so far.
Artificial Intelligence is really gaining traction. A research analysis conducted by TechCrunch, which utilized information from PitchBook, indicates that companies that specialize in generative AI will not set a limit on the capital they receive in the first quarter of 2023. Knowing how financiers view AI will guarantee that the dreams of tech companies become reality.