Home News Generative AI LinkedIn has broadened the reach of its AI-powered assistant to include recruitment...

LinkedIn has broadened the reach of its AI-powered assistant to include recruitment ads and creating profiles.

LinkedIn has broadened the reach of its AI-powered assistant to include recruitment ads and creating profiles.

Earlier in the month, when LinkedIn began to share “AI-driven conversation starters” on their news feeds in an attempt to increase user activity, the reaction they got was not overly pleasant.

The truth is that LinkedIn has been using artificial intelligence and automation for a long time, mostly in the background when it comes to constructing and managing its network. With Microsoft’s commitment to OpenAI, it appears that AI is taking a more visible role in LinkedIn’s strategy, showing in the profile, recruiting, and Learning divisions.

Today, the company is announcing the launch of AI-driven writing tips, which will be provided to users to improve their LinkedIn profiles and recruiters writing job postings. According to LinkedIn’s Chief Product Officer Tomer Cohen, the technology behind this is based on advanced GPT models. For personalized profiles, GTP-4 is being used while GTP-3.5 is used for job postings. Additionally, LinkedIn is putting a greater focus on AI in its Learning platform by offering 100 courses related to the subject, plus 20 extra ones specifically about generative AI.

The AI-generated prompts for profiles, initially offered to Premium users who pay, are meant to help people who find it difficult to compose an interesting description of themselves. The prompts are designed to assist users in expressing what they have achieved, which will then be converted into a more natural story by the AI.

Source of image: LinkedIn

The firm states that their tool can find the most noteworthy abilities and encounters to feature in your About and Headline sections, and assemble ideas to make your profile stand out. This can help you save both time and effort while still preserving your personal tone and style. It is advised that you review and make changes to the proposed content before adding it to your profile.

The job postings will operate in the same way: A recruiter will provide the essential information, such as the position title and company name. Our system will then create a proposed job description that can be viewed and edited, which conserves energy and resources while allowing for personalization. This will help to free up time and resources to focus on the more strategic aspects of the job.

Despite the fact that they are both meant to save users time and make it simpler to keep their profiles current or increase hiring activity by creating job profiles quickly, I can think of at least one reason why this might not be the best way to go.

For those who are writing their profiles, using artificial intelligence to generate descriptions could actually be counterproductive to the goal of giving a clear-cut image of the individual. This could result in more time being wasted for recruiters and others who are trying to form an association with the person in question.

That would be less relevant for job postings, which are often very generic and do not provide a realistic expectation of what the role would involve or what it’s like to work at the company.

In conclusion, it is evident that AI can be a beneficial tool, but not necessarily in all circumstances. A spokesperson from LinkedIn spoke out, claiming that this is only the starting point and that they are going to keep on utilizing AI to search for new methods of delivering value to their members and customers.